So you wanna sort your sh*t out

Most Famous Sorting Algorithms in History

Almost any list that comes out of a computer is sorted into some sort of order, and there are many more sorted lists inside computers that the user doesn’t see. Many clever algorithms have been devised for putting values into order efficiently. It turns out algorithms have a long and illustrious history stretching back as far as ancient Mesopotamian times. But which of these complex calculation processes could be considered some of the most important?Meet the most famous

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Discover Condorcet’s scrutin

Commodo non nisi magna exercitation ea velit ipsum cupidatat sint occaecat eiusmod deserunt mollit deserunt...

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Nulla cillum exercitation aliquip

Velit laboris est sint eu aute ex excepteur et duis ad ex. Incididunt mollit commodo fugiat et exercitation cillum consectetur aliquip officia nulla...

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Eiusmod consectetur deserunt

Nostrud occaecat occaecat culpa irure anim velit nulla mollit incididunt consectetur deserunt. Nostrud ea enim sint eu voluptate nisi...

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